Young Talent Recital 2024

The Scottish Polish Cultural Association invites all talented children to show off their musical abilities.

Like every year, except during the pandemic, for over 20 years the “Young Talent Concert” has been organised, where musically talented children aged 10-18 take part. We cordially invite children who can play musical instruments as well as children who have a good voice and sing well.
We will discover “uncut diamonds” who will later be supported by the Scottish-Polish Cultural Association.

The concert will take place on Sunday 22 September 2024 at 4.00 pm at the Edinburgh Society of Musicians.

Children wishing to attend should contact Anna Ruszel by email: by 31 August 2024

giving child’s details (name, age, instrument or vocal) and parents’ contact telephone number and e-mail.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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